Towns I've ever lived

The town where I lived in first is a town of near seas . Sound of waves was heard well.
The steamship which advances while giving a put-put went down the river to the sea slowly.
There was the fragrance of the sea water and fishes were fresh and delicious so much.  
Glehnia littoralis and the sweetbrier shook on the soil mixed with the sand in the sea breeze.  
The sea raged and waves turned to white on a stormy day,and sounds of waves are great.  
Sand blew indoors from the gap, and cleaning after stormy day needed great effort .

The town where I lived in next was a town of the foot of the many mountains.
I went for hiking with friends in spring,summer ,fall and winter to the mountains.
We ran up the slope of a steep mountain and ran it down with hop and jump and sliding down .
We advanced through the mountains with full of spirit and vigor and joy of this hiking.
Gold-banded lily and various flowers bloomed on the roadside and in woods , we advanced while admiring them.
They are good memories in my past childhood.

The town I am living in now is in the right down the middle of wide plains.  
I can ride on a bicycle comfortable everywhere because the land is flat.  
In the town in plains, gardening is so popular that people plant many kinds of plants .
Big gardening shops are prepared, and beautiful flowers fascinate people very much.
I think while seeing flowers that every towns are good towns in character.  
The various area and climate are precious treasures in our country.


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Towns I've ever lived

Lyrics of "Towns I've ever lived "


投稿日:2011/03/10 16:57:00



