This maddening distance
From you to my heart
So close I can feel you
But much too far apart

This chasm seems so narrow
I could step right across
But no way that I find
Leads any closer to you

I made this song to be
My message in a bottle
To cast into the sea
To bring my love to you

This maddening distance
Impossible to close
So close I can feel you
Yet I am always alone

Words bridge the chasm
This song that we share
Our minds come together
This heart it will bear

I give this song to
The maddening distance
I send this song to
Carry my heart to you

This maddening distance
Between you and my heart
So close I can feel you
But much too far apart

This chasm seems so narrow
I could step right across
But no way that I go
Takes me closer to you

I made this song to be
My message in a bottle
To surf the stormy sea
To bring my love to you

This maddening distance
Drives me crazy without you
I wish I could cross it
And hold you in my arms

Words bridge the chasm
This song that we share
Our minds come together
This heart it will bear

I give this song to
The maddening distance
I send this song to
Carry my heart to you

Words bridge the chasm
This song that we share
Our minds come together
This heart it will bear

I give this song to
The maddening distance
I send this song to
Carry my heart to you


  • 非営利目的に限ります

The Maddening Distance

These are the lyrics I wrote for MiYABi-san. His niconico post for the song is

I wrote them for Luka to sing. I wrote them to Luka. It is a love song to her and it is a love song from her. The maddening distance is the distance between our two worlds that neither of us can cross.


投稿日:2014/11/27 12:18:28




