IN Yellow and black two tone color, bees cheerfully gathered Syrup and pollen from flowers
and collecting them in beehive and made juicy and fragrant honey.
A peach almond soy bean pear apple and cherry raspberry blackberry cranberry watermelon
and melon cucumber and the strawberry flowers
Grace of the bee is the answer why many kinds of crops and fruits grow a lot
The bees carried the pollen of stamen to a pistil of the flowers and were able to arrive well,  
so fruit and crops grew much greatly steadily  
Farming workers and families are delighted to get full of crops  
We ate delicious fruit and vegetables till our stomachs are full
Without bees we can eat far from enough meal and always hungry
That's terrible. We strongly wish Long live to bees and may god prosper them forever
We strongly hope bees IN Yellow and black two tone color to buzz forever

In yellow and black two-tone color bees to where you have gone on earth anyway.
All of beehive boxes were empty when farmer got mind on the day  
leaving children in the beehive and without leaving the corpse in there.
it is a mystery Were they deceived by a mite or virus pesticide , then
Oh how can they disappeared suddenly so completely.it's disaster
while wondering without finding cause of bee's scamper with speculation
flower waiting for pollination withers away in sequence so much
they have been scattered without bearing fruit.  Oh what shall we do from now on ?
Time passes by idly without various fruit vegetables growing
The crops and vegetables nursed in A greenhouse are severely wounded so much. 
So we must get along somehow with no or little crops and vegetables anyway
Oh my god , Come back all of bees on the fields as usual days , please !!!!


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To where bees have gone ? 

英語歌"To where the bees have gone?"
2010年7月7日 歌詞一部修正


投稿日:2010/07/07 12:43:06



