Let's go by bicycle ringing a bell 【Vocaloid Megurine Luka】

Let's advance by bicycle with ringing a bell , without minding even a rough course.
We are happy to drive forward on bicycle. Let us go cheerfully today, too.

Let's go by bicycle with ringing a bell .  
Let's start and go forward the way, grip steering wheel ,and lift up ware to sustain the parking bicycle on sunny day.
The wind is with refreshing warmth,and the light of the day shines much on this sunny day.
Let's go breezily and devide wind into two winds. As for me, I become to be wind-like together.
Beware not to "quicken the speed, and use brake modestly." to drive anyway.
Where will I go to today in this beautiful world on such a fantastic warm day?

Let's advance by bicycle with ringing a bell.  I step cautiously on the pedal, and to us in this time, there's nothing
but proceeding the way spreading out forever .
Without minding the slope or washboard load or even load with many curves in the course,
let's go straight steadily to the destination and let's arrive to our splendid place of goal .
Beware not to think "leave luck to God. It is driving." when we drive bicycle.
Let's go cheerfully to our goal on such a fantastic warm today too, anyway.  

Let us eat big rice balls a lot at noon as our splendid lunch.


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Let's go by bicycle ringing a bell

Let's go by bicycle ringing a bell 【Vocaloid Megurine Luka】 歌詞


投稿日:2010/12/23 16:58:21



