
1. It is like the religion and is something like faith.
The love is mysterious. Woman is mysterious.
Such relations are so mysterious.
Feeling and Sentiment are more important
than the actual real usefulness.
For example, however convenient it may be,
the man should not hang bag on his hand or arm.
Do you want ot know the reason about that?
You must use the hand only to protect woman well.
That's the reason.
Come after leaving a bag for later work with a locker.
So, it is something like religion and faith
about man and woman.

2. It is like the religion and is something like faith.
The business is mysterious.
The company is mysterious.
Management mind is more important
than the personality or life of the person.
However lovely it may be for the person,
the employee should not demand stability.
You must live only for improvement,
a change, added value.
Both the marriage and the life are
things only for that purpose.
It is something like religion and faith.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】Like the religion and faith

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】Like the religion and faith【Original song】


投稿日:2013/11/23 21:02:00



