I want to follow you, I want someone to
reach out to my isolated heart
My frigid hands clasped these warm tears
as everybody turned away from me

“How long have you been alone?”, you asked me softly
“I don't remember when it began”, I lied
But deep down, I can recall. . .

Another evening in Autumn had passed by once again
It was lonely as usual
This familiar melancholy went unnoticed
by the setting sun

I want to follow you, I want my song to
be understood by you and you alone
Though you're not here with me
our paths will converge again, somewhere,
Someday. . .

*Chorus pt.2
Another evening in Autumn faded into dusk
as a shooting star flew by
My weeping went unnoticed as I made a wish upon it
before I ran away from you

Though it's been ages since we met that one time,
my feelings for you have bloomed
From the pain and loneliness, from the despair and loss,
how can these feelings reach you safely?

Your singing voice soothes my heartache tonight
as I sleep and hope to dream of you
Someday, I'll remember to tell you
how much you mean to me

I want to follow you, I want my song to
reach out to you like yours did for me
From the pain and loneliness, from the despair and loss,
you've taught me how to be strong

ENG cover lyrics 「英語のカバー歌詞」 - Kurenai_Akari「紅_明り」
Original lyrics & music 「オリジナルは歌詞と音楽」- Suzukaze Ryo「涼風涼雨」


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • オリジナルライセンス

忘れ歌 (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)

ENG: Yaaay~ Another Suzukaze-P cover! I'm excited right now since Suzukaze-sensei released a new song on his SoundCloud a few weeks ago. It's so beautiful. I asked if it was ok to write lyrics for it & he said it was okay, so there's another project coming.

About the song, I've been feeling quite isolated these past few years to be honest. . . People are always saying that "they'll make time for me" or that they'll visit me or even worse, guilt trip me into wanting to meet them. They just say these things to try to make me feel better or make themselves feel better & it hurts more than it helps. Why can't people be honest? Why must you lie? I know that there are more important things in life than myself & I can't be selfish, but it hurts sometimes being alone. I've been talking to a friend lately who's doesn't make me feel that way, but it's scary in a way. I'm afraid of losing my friend too. . . I tend to push people away when I'm hurt or scared.

It hurts to love other people


投稿日:2017/08/23 18:18:07



