More than four years have passed from that fatal day.....

1.On that day when the ground shook greatly,
and on the day when towns and villages were shaken hardly,
who rushed to you at the very day?
Was there such man who was attached to you?
As for you, was there such a person
who could open the door of your room with an uneasy face,
and who hugged you very hard immediately
as soon as he saw your face?
To that lady who is my friend, and to other girl
who is my neat co-worker,
there was the person who hugged her kindly
and cried for joy and bliss with so earnestly saying,
"oh, you are safe and that is enough for us.", happily.
On that day, the girls had the person who embraced them overnight.

2.On that day when the ground shook greatly and on the day
when this country shook, nobody rushed to me.
Oh, how shocking and disappointing,
cruel for me the reality was!!!
From that person who once loved me
and the co-worker who was kind to me,
there was not any contact or communication at all,
no email or no telephone call at all.
Must I endure it all alone again
when this earth shake again and three times and more ?
Must I endure the shock and disappointment and cruelty again?
I am too lonely. I am scared and idly.
And I am too sad on such circumstance.
Any kind man who is sincere to me, please hold me and love me.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Please hold me and love me 【Original】

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Please hold me and love me 【Original song】


投稿日:2015/03/17 21:30:56



