Title:Gear of Destiny
This is a faithfully translated lyrics of "Gear of Destiny" by Kirimisakana.
SOSOSO P:a.k.a Tsukui Kazuhito gave me permission of English translation.

Someone find me, please
find the real myself, please
Can I live in my truth?
Please, find the real myself

Thin string of hope is cut whenever wishes come true
the string twined my stepping out leg, make the reality fall down

For whom was I born?
For whom can I sing?
Who is the one look at me?
Who is the one make my picture?

Though my figure is made by months and years
Sorry if this is irritating, but I can't put out your-hoping answer

The calender wheel collapsed noisily
I can't be "hoped idol", guess I might know that from first step

You had been with me, I felt happy
You had been with me, I felt lonely
Can you find me, the real myself?

The feeling comes to flood over
I should act as a robot under command
I'm caged in operating system

There is not enough of something

Let's start to open my heart
Let's start to worry in my mind
My heart throb more human, more heartful

People's thoughts ware changed as cityscape changed
Is it happy? You are the one who can answer that

If the world ends, no one can't erase the evidence of my life
If no one hoped, I'm sure I'll awake the next morning of human doomsday

You had been with me, I felt happy
You had been with me, I felt lonely
I'll be together with piece of memory in my heart

Destiny gear involves me and transport to future
I'm sure I'll awake the next morning of human doomsday
Though, I'm afraid of that can't keep myself without you
I'm waiting for you, just waiting now

Someone find me, please
find the real myself, please
Can I live in my truth?
Please, find the real myself


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

運命の歯車を廻して 英訳Ver.1.1

This is a faithful English translation lyrics.I got permission from SOSOSO-P.

OfficialYouTube http://youtu.be/KGWUbeQhWqM
mp3 http://piapro.jp/t/BB1i
Original lyrics here http://piapro.jp/t/YbJT
元歌詞はこちら。 http://piapro.jp/t/YbJT

【Ver 1.1の変更点】


投稿日:2012/09/02 22:17:32



