Hard night and Peach-Meat-Pie, o-oh
This don't make me happy
The dinner is Peach-Meat-Pie, Why?
It is fixed, cannot change
I don't know since when did the situation continue
Peach-Meat-Pies go round and round in my whole head

This breakfast is Peach-Meat-Pie, too
(it) Brings heartburn, dyspepsia {*1}
To tell the truth, my doctor said:
"Stop to eat that!" - but I can't stop {*2}
I don't know till when does the situation continue
Peach-Meat-Pies go round and round in my whole head

I like so, Curry, Macaroni,
but FAV is {*3}
Pain francais and Pain francais {*4}
more more more
Pain francais and Pain francais
However, Nevertheless,

Hard night and Peach-Meat-Pie, again
I'm boring. Gimme a break.
Hard night and Peach-Meat-Pie, again
Oh, my throat ...
It will supply me Peach-Meat-Pie again, again, again {*5}
Probably. I gave up.
Peach-Meat-Pies go round and round in my whole head

This breakfast is Peach-Meat-Pie, too
I'm practiced a little
I tried to do that these days {*6}
many times ... umm sometimes. {*7}
If I turn PMP to loving... Be happy, everyday
However, this is turned down. Unacceptable. {*8}

I like so, Sushi, Uni
but FAV is
Pain francais and Pain francais
more more more
Pain francais and Pain francais
However, Nevertheless,

Hard night and Peach-Meat-Pie, again
I'm boring. Gimme a break.
Hard night and 'M'each-'P'eat-pie, again
... Oops! Slipped out!
It will supply me Peach-Meat-Pie again, again, again
Probably. I gave up.
Peach-Meat-Pies go round and round in my whole head

I like so, Curry, Macaroni,
but FAV is
Pain francais and Pain francais
I just wanna -
- Pain francais! I need no other things! {*9}
However, Nevertheless,
PMP (yeah!)

Hard night and Peach-French-Bread
I really want to eat
Hard night and Peach-French-Bread
in the next year
It will supply me Peach-Meat-Pie next two or more {*10}
Keep it up! Keep it up!
Peach-Meat-Pies go round and round in my whole head
(yah-y-yah-y-yah paranoia-ah)

{*1} (it)は歌わない / dyspepsia:消化不良
{*2} 元の歌詞と同様に'stop'を2回使うために「止められた」を「『止めろ』と言われた」に変換
{*3} FAV(ファヴ):favoriteの略語
{*4} 正確な表記は c の下にセディーユ( , みたいの )がついている文字 / 英語そのままだと「ペァン」感が無かった(だってbreadなんだもん)のでフランス語にしました。
{*5} 意訳その1:「明日も明後日も次も」直訳すると長~くなるので。代わりにagainが3つ。それでも無理があったので「きっと:Probably」が次のフレーズにはみ出しています。
{*6} (好きになることを)「考える」を「試みる」に変換
{*7} 「よく」→「たまに」の距離を近づけた。響きも良くなった
{*8} 意訳その2:どうやったって好きになれないことが伝わるよう翻訳しました。あと直前フレーズのturnが再登場
{*9} 「フランスパンだけでいい」を「フランスパンのほかに何もいらない」に変換。英語らしく主張強めの調整
{*10} 意訳その3:*5と同様の理由。雰囲気が少しでも残るよう、next twoが入っています。


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

Peach-Meat-Pie (ピーチミートパイ;英語版歌詞)

harioさんのピーチミートパイ http://piapro.jp/t/0ZAJ の歌詞を英語版にしました。

(March 27 2015)
pain francais → Pain francais に表記変更(前段と合わせるため)


投稿日:2015/03/27 23:37:16


