

1. I earnestly telephoned you from the black telephone
of my house later and checked those words
that the thread telephone from you conveyed.
To certify your impression about me as soon as possible.
Because you did not answer readily, I was irritated,
and continued throbbing at every time.
It was the communication of the day when we were young
and our love in childish days.
Though I was such close to you such peacefully
and friendly once upon a time,
and though I loved you so eagerly in those days
that passed away completely.
Even if I telephone you from my smartphone now; to my sorrow,
the answer is ,
"the telephone you are calling is not switched on,
or is where the electric wave does not reach" .

2. I was about to talk about those words
that I wanted to convey over the thread telephone
from me to you from an outside public telephone hard
later in those old and cheerful good days.
Words were not readily given to me, and I was irritated,
and I continued throbbing.
It was the communication of the day when we were young
and our love in childish days.
Though I was such close to you such peacefully
and friendly once upon a time,
and though I loved you so eagerly in those days that passed away completely.
Even if I telephoned you several times from my smartphone
from now on and again,
the words from you would never reach to me,
and my love won't be accomplished.

00:00 / 03:00


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Thread telephone 【Original song】

【初音ミク】 いとでんわ 【オリジナル曲】


投稿日:2016/09/13 16:44:40



