
A Dance Of Only One Person

Obviously I will make mistakes after
I don't think there another way
The actions are even more foolish than words
I don't I did everything wrong

Everything you hear outside is merely noise
He just trusts voice inside his head
If I follow that enlightened path I'll find
I don't I'm sure of anything

One is neither accepted oh nor rejected only ignored
A dance of only one person
Is arrogant only needs himself

Yes I'm really interested in all this
I say it with sarcasm all
Lie well maybe not so much I don't care not
I just want a little silence

The smell of rotten floods the whole at place
Only a lonely flame is needed to start all

One is neither accepted oh nor rejected only ignored
A dance of only one person
Is arrogant only needs himself

It's time to stop talking nonsense and tell past events anything
Want to hear the Street

One person in one place doing only one thing for one instant

One is neither accepted oh nor rejected only ignored
A dance of only one person
Is arrogant only needs himself

The smell of rotten floods the whole at place
Only a lonely flame is needed to start all

00:00 / 03:48


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A Dance Of Only One Person

Song A Dance Of Only One Person for the Magical Mirai 2019.


投稿日:2019/03/15 05:38:36



