

京を包む黒雲 屋敷から眺める私
不作に苦しむ民は縋る 奇跡起こす兄上に

“美味こそ幸せだ 実りの術 用い
世の食卓守る” 兄上は優しい

でも私愚か 魂 共紡 双子なのにどうして
片翼だけ恵まれ 虚しさ 常闇に紛れたい

行き着いた林で 弱る蛇助けた
人救う力なくとも これくらいはしたいな
蛇さんねえ聞いて 黒い気持ちどうしよ
飲み込めない いっそ 私ごと丸呑みして
このまま 全てを 呑み込み 消し去れ

何処にか妹 浮かぶは かつての日
米頬張る笑顔 あれこそ守るべきだった

“私生まれ変わった ノガミ様の依り代に”
憂き世の悪天も 奴の意のまま
“それでもいい私やっと認められた” 叫ぶ君
心を手繰ろうとも 零れ落ちていく

震えてる私誘った “共に生きてくれぬか”
年月経て寂しいノガミ様の 声に私融かされる 満たされる

ああ蛇という種は 高貴で美しい
人であった過去なぞ 捨ててしまいましょう
けれども兄上あなたには 逃げる猶予の慈悲を
早く私諦めて 立ち去るのです

甘い毒牙受け入れる 今こそ贖罪のとき
君の血肉となる哀歓 幸福を召しませ

*Nogami, in Japanese script, may represent the god of agriculture or the god of nature.

Below are the lyrics.
Black clouds enveloping this capital
I watch from the residence
The people, afflicted by crop failure, cling to my older brother who works miracles

“Good taste is happiness. With the magic of the harvest, I will protect everyone's meals."
My brother is kind

But I am stupid. Even though we are twins who should weave our souls together
Why is only one of the twins blessed?
I feel emptiness and want to disappear into the everlasting darkness

I ended up in the woods
I saved a snake that was weakening
Even if I couldn't save people, I'd like to be able to do this
Hey, Snake, listen. What should I do about my black feelings?
I can't swallow it. Just swallow me whole
Keep on swallowing and obliterating everything

Somewhere, my sister... floats a picture of the old days
Your smile as you ate your rice with relish was the one that should have been protected

I came to the deep woods looking for you
I saw that you had changed completely
"I have been reborn as a servant of Master Nogami."
The serpent god of fertility is now unleashed
The bad weather in this world was just as he had planned
"I don't care, I'm finally accepted," you exclaim
I try to reach for your heart, but it's spilling out

I'm trembling, and my master ask me, "Will you live with me?"
Master Nogami is lonely through the years
His voice fills me and melts me

Ah, the serpent species, so noble and beautiful
Let's leave my human past behind me
But you, my brother, have mercy on me and give me time to escape
Give up and leave me like this
Before I take a step from which I cannot return(I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat *4 times)

Accept sweet poison fangs, now is the time for redemption
The sorrow and joy that I will become your blood and flesh
Please eat happiness

00:00 / 05:13


  • 非営利目的に限ります


「ボカコレ2022春」参加作品です!!! 4/22から動画が公開されます。




投稿日:2022/04/21 15:20:44



