
00:00 / 05:18


  • 非営利目的に限ります

誰かの幸せ (Fluffy Nix feat. MEIKA Hime & KAITO)


This is a song for everyone who has low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. It's a big problem nowadays, and even though I've never had such problems, this song is just a reminder that there are no people who aren't loved by anyone. You may not even know, but someone actually cares about you. So I have a message.
To you, whoever you are. If you are reading this and listening to my song, remember: you are not lonely. There are people who is worried about you, and I am one of them, because you are my listener and you are very important (as well as your view about my music:))
Also happy Valentine's Day! Hope that you have someone to celebrate it with, and if you don't, I'm sure you will next year! (And happy birthday to Kaito. Our ice-cream baby is 16 now!)
Thanks for listening and good luck!


投稿日:2022/02/14 17:50:31



