

  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

Sailor of the Stars -2017 Snow Miku-

I decided to go with a sailor outfit because astronauts/cosmonauts in latin means sailor of the stars so I thought she could be one of sorts.
Her eyes and design on her shirt are constellations. Her shirt being winter constellations and her eye's being Virgo, her star sign. The largest light in her eye is Spica.
But when I first heard the theme I immediately thought of the master of the winter sky, the northern lights. I decided to make them her hair because they looked like ribbons or in this case, pigtails! Since her hair is light I thought it would create a rainbow of colours on her clothing so I decided to keep most of it white as to not destroy the effect.


投稿日:2016/05/07 23:14:13



