新作ゲーム「初音ミク ロジックペイントS 第2弾(仮)」のBGMを大募集! What kind of Sceneryおやすみ前に。
Tonight, rely on the stars and draw in the sky.
Hey, ready to go looking for scenery?
Leave your usual worries alone for now.
Let's open the next new door with your hands.
Twinkle, twinkle, countless stars.
(キラキラ 数えきれない星)
Flutter, flutter, new encounter.
(ドキドキ 新しい出会い)
Clickety-clack, echoes far away.
(ガタンゴトン 遠くに響く)
What kind of scenery will I see tomorrow?
Just a little bit before going to sleep...
Now, I want to play with the"Logic Paint"
Waft, waft, floating clouds.
(フワフワ 流れる雲)
Drizzle-drizzle, rainy cityscape.
(パラパラ 雨の町並み)
Meow, meow, carefree neighbor.
(ニャーニャー 気ままなご近所さん)
What kind of wonderful dreams will I see tonight?
Twinkle, twinkle, countless stars.
Flutter, flutter, new encounter.
Clickety-clack, go to a distant town.
(ガタンゴトン 遠くの街へ)
What kind of scenery will I see tomorrow?取得日:2024/07/26