As the sun fades into the rolling hills,
it's time to find some cheap thrills,
it's time to show my skills
We're gathered here to have fun
and forget about the past
There's much to talk about, much to see
No more waiting 'cause time is moving fast!
Do you feel that wind flowing in your hair?
Tell me, do you feel that energy in the air?
This incredible feeling inside of my heart. . .
This is the freedom I've always wanted
God, please let it last forever
*Chorus pt. 1
My city of angels shines here from two towns away
From night to day, illuminate the buildings seeped in gray
My city of angels, my home away from home
The only place I can be me, where I can roam freely
Cruising through these lively streets,
our heads nodding to the beat
Your laughter rings loudly over the sound of
tears hidden in my heart
Do you feel that wind flowing in your hair?
Tell me, do you feel that energy in the air?
This incredible feeling inside of my heart. . .
Nostalgic scenery, warm memories
and love unparalleled
*Chorus pt. 2
My city of angels shines here from a few towns away
From night to day, illuminate the buildings seeped in gray
My city of angels, will you take me back once more
to a time when nothing really mattered?
It's only now that I've realized how important this is to me
I was a fool not to understand it and a fool not to see
But now that you and everyone else are here beside me
Stay by my side for a while longer
and I'll show you what it means
With your hand in mine,
it's time to take off and soar into the endless night!
*Chorus pt. 1 repeat
*Chorus pt. 3
My city of angels shines here in my heart
The memories of you and my loved ones never part
My city of angels, in the place that we met
- in this town that holds all that I love -
Let's watch the sunrise and the sunset
My city of angels
Forever in my heart
00:00 / 04:17
City of Angels (音楽)
ENG: This song is for the album "SENSEITIONAL" for the 8th anniversary of Vocaloid, Hiyama Kiyoteru.
Now available worldwide digitally on Bandcamp! --> dystop.bandcamp.com/album/senseitional
Promotional crossfade --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7E6gI8zRkY
Vocal tuning/melody was made by DystoP & lyrics were written by 紅_明り (Kurenai_Akari a.k.a. me)
Song posted with permission from DystoP
Lyrics to "City of Angels" is here --> http://piapro.jp/t/ApDt