Wade refresh individual record throw him steal the division Kareem heart of revenge stars February 14, NBA regular season to continue, the Heat to 114-96 victory over the Bucks on the road. Dwyane - Wade doing well, the audience he was 8 of 14 shots, free throws eight penalty 6, contributed 22 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists. It is worth mentioning that, in the game which, Wade set a personal record for consecutive free throws. This game was the last time the two teams clash Dez Bryant jersey robert griffin iii jersey this season for the Heat, this is a must win game, otherwise they would have been this season, the Bucks swept. Wade, who missed the first battle between the two teams, while the second clash although he scored 23 points, but the Heat lost to the Bucks. Obviously, Wade is the heart with a vengeance into the game: "We attach great importance to the game, they won before us." Sure enough, after opening Bosh led the Heat to a change in the first attack of the old routine, but let the ball Wade attacking the basket, Dwyane Wade does not Jason Witten jersey live, and the storm caused Livingston foul free throws. Wade opening stage to show a very good state, not in the first attack the basket, he was soon restricted two consecutive successful offensive, forced the Heat's first eight points in six minutes. In the first section to 7 minutes and 41 seconds, Wade storm caused Gooden foul, two alfred morris jersey free throws again! It is worth mentioning that the two free throws, Wade 27th consecutive free throws, setting a personal record for consecutive free throws. The record before him the figures 25 times, on 6 November 2010 creation. In the last battle with the Bucks, Wade completed 1,000 career steals milestone, but the team is losing so he suffered a "mileage sad." But today, Wade will not let tragedy. Re-appearance in the second quarter after two consecutive opponents Wade steals, but this is only to force him to break out. In this section to 3 minutes 56 seconds, Wade the ball near the bottom left, I saw him turn around and walk Yingkang Delfino toward the middle, and then forced to jump on the free throw circle hook to toss a similar action will shot, this is the moment he seemed shorter version of the "sky hook" Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. One must pay attention to the phenomenon is that the last three games Wade did not shot beyond the arc. Wade sidelined with an injury while ago lost some time, and now he is using abusive and merciless attack the basket to make up the paint, we can say his condition is at a higher level on one. In today's match, Wade also did not shot beyond the arc. It is in the middle section II Wade sustained attack led by the paint, the Heat will play 12-2 offensive momentum reversed over. After the first half, Wade 6 of 10 shots, free throws five penalty 4, relaxed contributed 16 points and 4 assists. Remember the last time the two teams clash, the Heat made 17 points in the first quarter lead, but the Bucks brutally reversed. Today, the Heat did not let the tragedy, the last dallas cowboys jerseys paragraph of section III once they extended the advantage to 18 points. In 4 minutes 31 seconds left in the game, the Heat remain 107-88 lead, Wade was benched to rest, his face wearing a satisfied and smiling, and today he did laugh.http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/. PC9527cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org


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Dallas cowboys jerseys revenge stars

Dallas cowboys jerseys revenge stars


投稿日:2013/08/31 09:52:32



