
Il était un fois
Well, it's a shock
L'histoire donc je parle
The main character
Bien, c'est moi

The glittering shine
Of the design
It belongs to me
For the articles I steal, they become mine

The crisp air of the night sky
Hear the cry of the lorelei
Waiting in line the losers buy
But there's no way I'd ever wait
For, me, I'm just not shy!

"Un, deux, trois"

Go on and track down my thievery
Like a phantom thief's mystery
Flash your lights and try to catch me
But it's my victory

Casting the lies around to delay
While the motive quickly decays
Not leaving a trace of my DNA
Peux-tu me trouvé?

Go ahead and miss me
If you even want to risk it
But we know that you're all unfit
But me, I just can't quit

Unravel the truth I hide
Come forth and I'll be your guide
Cast away all your silly pride
We'll leave our identity aside

Ensemble nous allons jouer
Un des jeux sans fin, j'ai compté
Dix à huit encore j'ai crié
Jusqu'à un avez-vous cachez?
Tiens, the game is set in position
Let them now begin
Stock the magic that we call ammunition

Track the trail that's left behind
A gentle song to soothe your mind
Close the distance, sure, it's a crime
'Cause words like "well, I love you"
Cost a lot, you realize?

Go on and get a littler closer
For this night, I'll be your chauffeur
Rest your head upon my shoulder
'Til day, I'll take over

Steal away all your fancy gems
The pricey colored contact lens
Rip away at the complex seams and the hems
You know, 'cause we're friends!♡

Sure, they're on my tail
But it's said that love never fails
And trust me, I love all I take
Each and every small detail

Though it is quite the cliché
I will always run away
I put my skills to work today
And if you want to love me, you may

Cachez, cachez, cachez vite
Aimez, aimez avec vos cœurs
Catch me, catch me, catch me faster
Do you, do you love me rather?

«Trois, deux, un»

As my alibi, it shatters
And the fabrications tatter
The false identities scatter
"But who truly matters?"

"Is it the 'you' behind the mask
Or is the 'you' whose hand I grasp
The truth behind the perfect 21 hand
In liar's blackjack?"

Even if I'm trying
The gloves I wear underlying
It's not like I care for diamonds!
But they're satisfying!

If you would look in my eyes
For you, I guess I will try
This ruby gem of mine – I'll give it to you
And take off my disguise...

Dans un rêve il ne reste rien
Mais je ne veux pas reveiller jamais

00:00 / 03:53


【鏡音レン】Midnight Thievery【マジカルミライ2018応募曲】


投稿日:2018/03/12 06:30:27




  • コメント1

  • 関連動画0

  • 歌詞・カードジャケット作品2

  • takaokatoshiya



    美樹 律さん、おはようございます。初めまして。寂しげで不安感が漂う、切ないパワーが満開の歌ですね。  (*^_^*)

    2018/03/12 07:55:20

    • 美樹 律

      美樹 律


      2018/03/12 12:45:36
