Aren't you hurrying too much?
Because you are in a hurry,
so became you can't forgive.

Let's go more slowly.

That way you can enjoy more scenery.
Let's love this world even more.
That love will help myself.
That love makes someone smile.

So let's go slowly.

That way you can meet more people.
Let's love everyone even more.
That love will help own life.
That love paints the world abundantly.

And listen to each one of sadness and pleasure voice.
There is a voice that only you can listen.
There is a scenery that only you can see.
Don't let go of that opportunity.

let's go more slowly.

That way you can feel more happy.
Let's love own life even more.
That love will help a friend.
That love shines a lot of lives.

Being illuminated by that light,
we build diverse stories.
Sometimes there is a sad story.
But at the end to make it a happy story.

So let's go slowly.

Aren't you hurrying too much?
Because you are in a hurry,
so became you can't afford.

Let's go more slowly.

That way you can enjoy more moment.
Let's love this time more now.
That love will help someone.
That love spreads a smile to the world.

So let's go slowly.

That way you can meet more opportunity.
Let 's love a lot of friends even more.
That love will help nature.
That love defends a lot of lives.

And feel to each one of severeness and kindness precept.
There is a precept that only you can feel.
There is a moment that only you can take.
Don't let go of that opportunity.

let's go more slowly.

That way you can feel more hope.
Let's love this earth even more.
That love will help own soul.
That love blooms a lot of flowers.

Being colored by that flower,
we build various stories.
Sometimes there is a bad story.
But at the end to make it a happy story.

So let's go slowly.

So let's go slowly!


  • 非営利目的に限ります

Let's Go Slowly!



投稿日:2017/02/22 12:43:24


