Thermos writing songs.
[Pentas lanceolata] WU XING HUA
Mountains misted far away.
Time of thousand years is ticked away.
King sadness without awaking.
It holds it in a deep valley.
It was carved for the shape of the stone.
To the flow of the eternity.
Desire that doesn't change.
The traveler advances.
Please tells it.
Stranger that doesn't know name.
Please delivers it.
The song of that innocent daughter.
It floats on golden surface of water.
It looks like the bubble.
It blooming.
Limit at tonight.
This transient flower.
This road that reaches the heaven.
It discontinues in the grove in the village.
From the depths of a forest.
The voice that the bird barks.
Returned far every day.
Stars are collected and it reads the future.
As long as an ancient astrologer.
cannot describe it.
It is person's dream and traveler's desires.
Please tells it.
Stranger that doesn't know name.
Please delivers it.
The dream of that innocent daughter.
To the setting sun of meadow.
If you undo the hair of a young maiden.
To the bracing breeze.
The driftting smell of this flower.