A girl with braids sits on the steps
Outside the park each Monday.
She has a bright red camera;
She'll be in movies someday!

A tall, sharp man of six-til-ten
Comes by here Tuesday noon.
He chose today as his day off
For a girl he loved last June.

Watching them from a car I bought
With my father's pay... !!

I'm a waif of the city, a concrete ghost,
Set me out in the sun to roast,
It won't matter if clouds block the sky-
We can just watch the cars.
I'm a beast of the night, a rotten host,
Take me out where the jellyfish float,
The apple of my heart is black,
But- ah! Smoke smells so good!

A boy with barrettes in his hair
Busks for coins on Wednesday.
He does it for his mother's sake,
While blocking half the subway.

That person in the bobble hat
Is always chasing kittens!
They run around on Thursday mornings
Laughing when they're bitten.

Watching them from a windowsill
At my best friends' house...!!

I'm a factory smog phantom, a concrete ghost,
Fish for me on a tarmac coast,
It won't matter if the fish don't bite-
We can just eat the bait.
I'm the scum of the streets, a rotten host,
Sink me down in a breaking boat,
The apple of my heart has gone,
But- ah! The stain's so nice!

Fridays are quiet by the canal
Except for one policeman-
He gets hungry at three o'clock, each week
And goes for lunch in his police van.

On Saturdays, a family of four
Always go out walking.
Their old, grey dog is quiet and good
Until the dad starts talking!

Watching from a bus stop
With stolen headphones in...!!

I'm made of scraps, a concrete ghost,
A robot of junk, don't mean to boast,
It won't matter if I'm broken down,
We can just replace the parts.
I'm worse than garbage, a rotten host,
Throw me away and I'll only gloat,
The seed inside my heart's so small,
But- ah! I guess it can't choke me!

Sometimes, rarely, I'll overhear
The chime of bells on Sundays.
I'd like to stand there, in the sun,
Until my watch goes bust.

But, you know, they say that ghosts
Have some unfinished business.
Well, what's mine? How do I change?
If I keep watching, will someone show me...!?

I'm a rat in the shadows, a concrete ghost,
I watch you humans and I take notes,
My mouth is stitched but I mustn't blink
Or else I'll miss my cue.
I'm a waif of the city, six-til-ten,
I laugh when memories bite me,
Sit on the steps outside the park
Where siren sounds can't find me.

I'm moss and stone, a rotten host,
I'll let slip the things I want the most,
The seed between my lungs is shrivelled-
Let's water it with pollution!
I'm a beast of the night, three o' clock moonshine,
Gushing through my system,
I'm walking dead, a zombie breathing-
Well! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

Concrete Ghost

ごめん、 私はまだ日本語で書くできない ヽ(´□`。)ノ

It is a story about a good-for-nothing who only likes to watch the world. However, this person is not bad. Rather, I think they are a very sad and lonely sort of person...


投稿日:2014/04/17 00:57:47


