「君の体温 (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)」の創作に利用した作品
Mesmerized by your true colors, I never wanted look away no matter how bright you shined Through my trauma and your pain I sought out something that I...
君の体温 (ENG cover lyrics 英語のカバー歌詞)
Scarlett_Candela 紅_明り
ENG: Hey people. Quick update on life: The L.A. Anime Expo sucked, I went deaf in one ear for two (almost) three weeks, but I'm better now. I've been playing Project Mirai DX like crazy lately! I've finally gotten more comfortable with playing hard on the tap mode, at least for the 6 difficulties. As usual, I got hooked on a song from the game series & came up with lyrics for it within a day or so (I actually did it in roughly 2 hours). Since yesterday I had the words "I've searchin' for a reason to move on" stuck in my head on repeat. Wonder what that means for me? And no, this isn't based on any past loves or anything like that for once. Most of the lyrics just came to me in a dream. . . Mysterious! Special thanks to my friend nottrueknight for letting me use some lines from our chat Kuwagata-P (OG creator of this "Kimi no Taion") like my promo tweet for this song! https://twitter.com/Kurenai_Akari/status/892288335229497344