It falls so deep
that the voice of GOD
cannot reach.

Forest where dense
blue purple spreads.

The thin skin that wraps around me
has begun to make noise
and now it is beginning to crumble.
And the EVIL GOD is revived.

Bring out the memories
that should have disappeared far away.

What is the meaning of living
in this world?

Instead of stealing nothing,
we give nothing.
Pierce my way
My name is EVIL GOD.

Don't be afraid of this figure
I still have a heart
Even if you are far away,
you can understand immediately.

I can't go back to this world.
But I will be a shield
that will protect the world forever.
I am the EVIL GOD.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

evil god


投稿日:2020/09/19 22:18:39



