
I jump out of the earth and fly to the empty distance,
to the large space steadily.
I bake meat and vegetables brown in Mercury and,I make smoking with a cloud of the Venus
and eat them deliciously.
I'm very glad to taste them.
I do maze play in a Martian canal, and let me advance more into space.
I play by asteroids stepping stone play and walk around Jupiter joyfully.
The great red spot turns red so bashfully.
It is pure red as a strawberry.
Passing rings of the Saturn is very fun to me.
I am admired in deep blue of mysterious design of colors of Uranus, Neptune.

I jump out of the solar system to the distance of the stars and clouds of stars.
By Sirius and Betelgeuse, Procyon,they formed the Big shape of triangle.
Various stars such as Altair Canopus Aldebaran Antares, color black space
and shine very brilliantly and beautifully, and very brightly.
The whirlpool which shines as the vast nebula of Andromeda,lets please my eyes.
A baby star of Subaru invites me by newborn brightness.
Though there are many dangerous black halls and uncertain substance of dark matter,
the universe is very attractive and greatly lovely place for me .
I push each particles of the Higgs quark mu tau aside,
and I advance forever infinitely.
The endless space is filled with brightness endlessly and so greatly.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Across over the universe

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】 Across over the universe



投稿日:2013/10/26 21:14:45



