あんたに何がわかる 僕に興味なんか無いくせに HEY YEAH」
Scoffing at the conclusion to an argument gone off topic
How could you possibly understand when you don't even care about me HEY YEAH

「他人の変化には敏感で 自分は保守的で
いつまでも同じことを嘆き 同じ場所で嫌味を吐く」
Sensitive to other's changes, playing it safe yourself,
Always lamenting the same things, spitting sarcasm in the same places

「誰?誰?誰? 誰の事だ?
お口にチャック 鍵をかけて
さあ さあ さあ はじめようか
Who? Who? Who? Who is this about?
A zipper on the lips zipped shut
Now, now, now let's get it started
Let's play the hate game

「感情論 振り回して 人殴って気持ちがいいでしょ?
良い奴気取り 敷地の狭い独善世界ご招待
YEAH YEAH どうぞお構いなく 僕にゃ大変勿体無いです
立派な持論 素敵な思想 それに縛られたまんま井戸に沈め」
It feels great to lash out and hit people, doesn't it?
Playing the good guy, inviting people to your small self-righteous world
YEAH YEAH, oh please, don't mind me, it's far more than I deserve
What a fine opinion, beautiful idea, why don't you just drown in a well, tied up by all that

Annoying, annoying, annoying, annoying!
You're so, damn, annoying!

「現実と妄想がごちゃまぜ ロマンチック・エゴイスト
Reality and delusion stirred together for a romantic egotist
I put a lot of hard work into making this for you so please accept it

「希薄で薄っぺらい 言葉に込められた
あんたのその愛を 僕にも諭してみてよ」
All of your words are shallow and thin, just hot air
Just try and persuade me with that cheap love

You're a wolf in love's clothing

「感情論 振り回して 人殴って気持ちがいいでしょ?
あんたの本音その腹から 引き摺り出しちゃいましょうか?
だっせえ綺麗事ばっか 心にも無いくせ歌って
僕は吼える でかい鏡 そこに映っているのは誰?」
It feels great to lash out and hit people, doesn't it?
Why don't we pull you inside out so we can see what you're really thinking in there?
Always with the lame lip service, singing without really meaning it
I'm howling here, at this huge mirror, who in the world is that reflected back?

「お前なんか 大 大 大っ嫌いだ」
I really hate hate hate people like you!


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

キラワレ【英語版】("Hated" English version)

This is a singable English translation version of the song "Hated" by YM. I recommend using the links below to practice timing and such.

原作とカラオケ音源 (Original & karaoke)

英語字幕付け動画 (video with Eng subs)



投稿日:2014/11/07 17:06:07


