I sing a shapeless song

In time of rosy twilight zone ;
Pink petals were decorating by ;
They're also dancing down with shining golden beams,
I wonder; I didn't smile on you.

In days of brighten memories;
We two had mode our sand base,
That's also melting down with silent crests of waves.
Our dreams would go down in the deep.

In the snow blindness world when I get up suddenly,
My reaching arms and I could grab the empty;
Like a faking sky was coming down nearer really,
Something more I had to miss surely.

On waves of looking so clear,
Our hazy shapes were in the deep blue sea so far away from home.
That day I knew the truth of sunny days
And the light is shining on the future.

I sing a shapeless song,
When you are crying so unhappy
Though you're smiling on me,
I'll lay me down over all things you care
Like a bridge joining us together.

Once in a day I was falling down the stairs,
You're always used to cheer me up to stand.


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doriko さんの『歌に形はないけれど』 n short English Cover

☆英題 《 I sing a shapeless song 》
☆作曲 doriko さん(カバーさせて頂きました)
☆英訳 えりP


投稿日:2024/10/09 09:03:44



