For some reason I thought that yesterday would be fairly calm. I mean beside the normal hassel of travelling, dealing with security (yeah right), being herded into a packed plane, etc... When the first phone calls came in regarding the Tomas Vokoun trade, Patrick Kane jersey I thought, OK... I don't like the move, but OK. After a few more calls, travel prep continued.I got to thinking... I wrote yesterday that a trade of Vokoun would indicate a white flag being raised. After writing that I got a slew of email telling me how wrong I was... how Chris Mason is better, how Tomas hasn't stayed healthy for a complete season, how Tomas wasn't the same goaltender since the blood clot issue. All of you who wrote may be right, hell... even my wife Marc Andre Fleury jersey spent quite a bit of time telling me that Chris Mason is the right guy in net going forward.This move does give the Predators some room to move. It is not unexpected Felix Hernandez Jersey that the team will be at the cap floor, which is projected to be somewhere in the $33 million dollar range, potentially giving David Poile the opportunity to re-sign Paul Kariya and also give the potential to re-sign Peter Forsberg when Joey Votto Red Jersey he decides to return to the NHL in Jan/Feb.I've always thought Tomas Vokoun was the embodiment of the Predators. A scrappy, undervalued player who worked his ass off to make it. Using grit, heart and passion to make it where he was told he wouldn't. The last original Pred is gone. We'll miss you Tomas, good luck in Florida, thank heavens we won't have to play you that often.David Poile's comments last night bear repeating, “It looks worse than it really is, sometimes perception is reality, but then again, going by position, there’s no question Tomas is a top goaltender, but there’s no question our goaltending will be good." Poile is right, there is still quite a bit of talent on this team.The net now belongs to Chris Mason, another goaltender cut from the same cloth at Vokoun. Making it in Nashville where other teams gave up...What a strange, strange situation. Espcially considering the ownership/sale tango that appears to be going on between Craig Leipold, JIm Balsillie, the NHL and the cities of Nashville and Hamilton. Last night's reports about cancelling the sale turned out to be false, however, this transaction is in serious jeopardy. Of the five parties listed above, two ain't happy, one ain't talkin', one is waiting (with lots of season ticket committments), and one seems to be getting more and more upset as this process goes along.My belief is that the sale with Jim Balsillie will eventually fall through. The local ownership group that has shown itself in the past few weeks may purchase an interest in the team, and the NHL will announce expansion plans for Hamilton and Las Vegas. Think about it... another $400 million in expansion Authentic Lebron James Jersey fees, whacked up among 30 owners... a nice little $10 million plus payday. That wouldn't surprise me at all. An end game to where all the owners get richer, instead of just one... that would fit.------------------On a personal note... great to be back in my old stompin' grounds. On the way from the airport, stopped at Geno's (I was going to order in Spanish, just to be a smart-ass... but was too hungry!)... the weather in fantastic, no humidity and open window sleeping, aaaahhh!There is a speculation that the trading isn't done... should be


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Patrick Kane jersey Picked a bad day to travel...


投稿日:2014/06/10 18:13:53



