The Sky In Twilight

The sky is changing the color little by little
I'm looking at the setting sun
as if I were seeing you off by myself
I cannnot see the same scenary as you
at the same time, at the same place
You're so far from me
How can I tell you such a beautiful color of the sky

I close my eyes
Angel, won't you please give me
a pair of wings made of cloud in twilight

I'm here But you're not aware of me
You have no need to be aware of me
Oh, still I'm looking up the sky seeing the color changing
Tonight I want to sing for you
Tonight I want to dream of you
Oh, please give me happiness for a moment,
if you don't mind

The world in daytime is restless and noisy
It's too dazzling for me
So I like the sky in twilight the best
Wonderous and transient
And it makes me sad
Now I don't think there's only happiness in this world
But I won't forget smiling
Let me hear you before the sky gets dark
I'm still keeping this window opened

Please close your eyes
Feel the endless sky with me
Only you can make me move
So smile at me

I'm here But you're not aware of me
You have no need to be aware of me
Oh, still I'm looking up the sky seeing the color changing
Tonight I want to sing for you
Tonight I want to dream of you
Oh, please give me happiness for a moment,
if you don't mind

Sometimes you might weep
But I wanna let you know
It's fantastic to imagine the color of the sky
you'll see tommorrow!

I'm here But you're not aware of me
You have no need to be aware of me
Oh, still I'm looking up the sky seeing the color changing
We've got nice memories in our heart
So I will never weep again
Oh, if you still feel sadness, I wanna see you right now
And tell you that you'll be alright...


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【巡音ルカ】The Sky In Twilight【英語オリジナル】



投稿日:2019/06/26 22:14:46



