The Sage and The Rage
Lyrics : Muto

How many mistakes did I made?
Nothing heals my impure heart

What is this strange feeling?
I've gone through same feeling ten years ago
What is this strange feeling?
I'm looking for the way to escape from danger

I continue dancing with the burnt dolls forever
Even if the dolls break, this ball is not over

How many mistakes did I made?
Nothing heals my impure heart

What is this strange feeling?
I've gone through same feeling ten years ago
What is this strange feeling?
I'm looking for the way to escape from danger

I'm waiting for you
I'm gazing at myself
The road that I run is dark and uncertain
The darker it become, the colder I feel

I continue dancing with the burnt dolls forever
Even if the dolls break, this ball is not over


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

The Sage and The Rage

This is my first try to write lyrics in English.
Is it natural?



投稿日:2012/03/05 01:00:32


