Title: Mind Flower
This is a faithfully translated lyrics of "Mind Flower" by Kirimisakana.
SOSOSO P:a.k.a Tsukui Kazuhito gave me permission of English translation.

In corner of desert where no one knows
A little seed comes into bud
A seedling will be ripe in secret
It will spread green strongly and more to this thirsty land

The nameless flower, sleeping quietly in hidden place of heart, blossoms out
Now, it rains with blessing, not for anyone
The rain pour down on this desert

The far memories are fragile and broken easily
Did I hope this?
I am at a loss (when the memories have gone)

When our body return to soil someday
We can be one with this fragile and vulnerable mother-earth

Toss and open the door to the endless road slowly
Now, it starts to radiate the blight light
It is dazzling but certain

There is nothing in this empty world
Let your flower into blossom
Spread out the wish, that you wished in heart
If you gave the color (to this world with your wish)

Even if you are alone
It will spread green strongly and more to desert
Now, it blossoms for yourself not for anyone
Keep it blossom

The Mind Flower


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Mind Flower 英訳

This is a faithful English translation lyrics and romaji lyrics.I got permission from SOSOSO-P.

Original lyrics here http://piapro.jp/t/fKxD
元歌詞はこちら。 http://piapro.jp/t/fKxD


投稿日:2013/03/20 23:10:29



