続く道~the leading way~

一人の旅は寂しいけど     この世界君へと続く
Even though traveling alone is lonely, but the world leads me to you.

君と二人で過ごした日々が   約束の場所教えてくれる
The days that we spent together will show me the way to our promised land.

あの日の君はまだココに居る  例え触れる事出来なくても
I remembered those days that you're still here...even though I can never touch you now.

君との出会いずっと忘れない  優しい笑顔もう一度触れたい
I've never forget the day we first met. I wish I could touch your gentle smile, once again.

例え今はどんなに遠くても   僕の愛する人へ続く道
this is the way that leads me to you my love, even though it's too far now.

一人の旅に疲れた日も     この心君へと向かう
when I get tired in this lonesome traveling, my heart can still feel you.

君の涙を拭ってあげる     約束だよね一緒に行こう
I wiped away your tears and promised that we shall walk together.

君の事ばかり考えてる     君の全てを離したくない
I'm always thinking of you,I just can't let go anything about you.

君への想いずっと忘れない   優しい笑顔包んであげる
I won't forget this love forever. I've always remembered how I used to hold your gentle smile.

例え涙まだ止められなくても  僕の愛する人よ傍に居る
Although I cannot stop my tears, my love. But you're here with me.

君との出会いずっと忘れない  優しい笑顔もう一度触れたい
I've never forget the day we first met. I wish I could touch your gentle smile, once again.

例え涙かれてしまったとしても 君の愛する僕がココに居る
Although your tears has dried, my love. I'm here with you.


  • 非営利目的に限ります

続く道~the leading way~

作詞:Xさん -> http://piapro.jp/content/g79wraj9s94vmr9m
お翻訳  -> 巫女さん
修正   -> Zero?


投稿日:2009/10/23 20:13:56



