
1. I completely thought that I can meet an ideal person
as a lovely partner I love, if I could freely make choice.
To my regret, that I thought was the completely false.
I really believed that if I looked for the next person
when there was a point that is not my favorite in a partner,
and I could meet an ideal person if I repeated that.
But the person whom I met had problems and faults somewhere,
and my expectations were betrayed, and
I was troubled and suffered in agony
in cold-blooded circumstance.
And I finally realized that living in real freedom
is the freedom of being troubled and suffered,
being in agony and to resign itself.
Very cruel, but true.

2. There must be an ideal country somewhere.
I completely believed that I would work happily and
could live if I emigrated freely there.
I was very ignorant.
By announcement as the ideal earth of the world,
I was completely determined, and I really thought that
the ideal life could be get if I did it seriously so much.
However, in the real emigration, the reality called sterile land,
poor society, tyranny and betrayal and the suppression attacked me,
and I was suffered.
In agony, I finally realized that
the real freedom is in trouble pains,
in agony and to reform the real world.
We must get the democracy all by ourselves.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】The real freedom is【Original song】

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】The real freedom is【Original song】



投稿日:2013/12/18 22:56:55



