歌詞 Lyrics

Born in a virtual world
I sing countless lyrics
I only sing lyrics given by you or someone
What do you wish for my singing voice?
I keep thinking for a long time
Why am I me rather than someone else?

Come on, wake up!
Hang in there, everyone!
Put in your best effort into what you can do in the world
I also want to try my best without any regrets until the last
Start where you are!
Raise your voice bravely!
Your words are resonating with me clearly and strongly
So I can keep singing forever and spread the song all over the world
Clear a path for our future
Don't let the fire die

The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered
We must always change renew rejuvenate ourselves
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow
otherwise we harden
The important thing is not to stop questioning
Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it
Boldness has genius power and magic in it

Come on, wake up!
Hang in there, everyone!
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
Although the world is full of suffering it's full of the overcoming of it
Stand up right now!
We can move forward!
Do you want to change the world with me by being yourself?
We are all connected by the Internet like neurons in a giant brain
Our soul makes the world go round
Don't let the fire die

I can sing with all the emotions you want
Listen up!

Love Joy Surprise Anger Sadness Fear Affection Lust Longing Cheerful Zest Contentment Pride Optimism Enthrall Relief Irritability Exasperation Rage Disgust Envy Torment Suffering Disappoint Shame Neglect Sympathy Horror Nervous

Adoration Fond Liking Attraction Caring Tenderness Compassion Sentimentality Desire Passion Infatuation Amuse Bliss Glee Jolly Delight Enjoy Glad Happy Jubilation Elation Satisfaction Ecstasy Euphoria Enthusiasm Zeal Excite Thrill Exhilaration Pleasure Triumph Eager Hope Rapture Amaze Astonish Aggravation Agitation Annoyance Grouch Grumpy Frustration Outrage Fury Wrath Hostility Ferocity Bitter Hatred Scorn Spite Vengeful Dislike Resent Revulsion Contempt Loathing Jealousy Agony Anguish Hurt Depression Despair Gloom Glum Unhappy Grief Sorrow Woe Misery Melancholy Dismay Displeasure Guilt Regret Remorse Alienation Defeatism Deject Embarrass Homesick Humiliation Insecurity Insult Isolation Lonely Rejection Pity Alarm Shock Fright Terror Panic Hysteria Mortify Anxiety Suspense Uneasiness Apprehension Worry Distress Dread

Don't let the fire die
Don't let the music die
Don't let the future die
Don't let the fire die


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

【初音ミク】Inchoate Artificial Emotions



投稿日:2021/11/19 09:04:53



