Do you hear it? Sound advanced by clock hand.
 (聞こえるかい? 時計の針が進む音が)
It is time soon. The date changes.
 (ほら、もうすぐ時間だ 日付が変わる)

Is the preparation good? Let's go out.
 (準備はいいかい? さぁ、出掛けよう)
It is not possible to return any longer. It is a start of the party.
 (もう後戻りは出来ない パーティーの始まりだ)

Person who doesn't know true character to which it wriggles under screen of night.
 (闇に紛れて蠢いている 得体の知れない奴ら)
It disguises as the shadow and it aims at your back.
 (影になりすまして キミの背中を狙ってるよ)

Do you frighten it? Here is another world.
 (恐ろしいかい? ここはもう異世界)
This is different from the place that you know.

Is your being able to believe only you?
It is different. Please believe me.
 (そんなことないさ 僕を信じて)

Let's exceed this night. Please take my hand.
 (この夜を越えていこう ほら、僕の手を取って)
No matter how it is scary, I defend you.
 (どんなに怖くても 僕がキミを守ってあげるよ)
Let's exceed this night. Let's dive together.
 (この夜を越えていこう さぁ、飛び込もう)
Let's get over now. Surely wonderful morning is received.
 (ここを乗り切れば きっと楽しい朝が待ってるよ)

Have it become accustomed? However, please do not relax your guard.
 (慣れてきたかい? でも油断しないで)
They are aiming at us. Please take care.
 (奴らは僕らを狙ってる 気をつけて)

Is your being able to rely on only you?
Please look about surroundings. Please trust us.
 (周りを見てごらん みんなを信じて)

Let's exceed this night. You do not become solitary by us.
 (この夜を越えていこう もう、一人になんてしない)
There is no problem if we are together no matter how it is painful.
 (どんなに辛くても みんなが居れば大丈夫)
Let's exceed this night. Let's go with us.
 (この夜を越えていこう 僕らと一緒に)
We can surely laugh together if it does so.
 (そうすればきっと みんなで笑いあえるから)

Are you scary? Me too.
 (怖いのかい? 僕も怖いさ)
Everyone is the same as it.
But,please do not worry.
We can overcome any fear.
 (どんな恐怖も 僕らなら克服出来る筈だから)

Let's exceed this night. Please take my hand.
 (この夜を越えていこう ほら、僕の手を取って)
No matter how it is scary, I defend you.
 (どんなに怖くても 僕がキミを守ってあげるよ)
Let's exceed this night. Let's dive together.
 (この夜を越えていこう さぁ、飛び込もう)
Let's get over now. Surely wonderful morning is received.
 (ここを乗り切れば きっと楽しい朝が待ってるよ)

Let's exceed this night. You do not become solitary by us.
 (この夜を越えていこう もう、一人になんてしない)
There is no problem if we are together no matter how it is painful.
 (どんなに辛くても みんなが居れば大丈夫)
Let's exceed this night. Let's go with us.
 (この夜を越えていこう 僕らと一緒に)
We can surely laugh together if it does so.
 (そうすればきっと みんなで笑いあえるから)


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

Exceed night




投稿日:2010/05/04 13:44:35



