歌 重音テト

The fun and pains that happen to us every day will never end.
But I always write lyrics and songs and draw illustrations.

I'm tired of hearing that "a dream will come true."
He said. "You're now in pain, but it will be fun soon."
But, everyone hasn't succeeded.

"There is a possibility of failure, but effort is necessary"
But, I'm listening to music in my room.
A song is heard from the speaker.

I’m always fun but also feel uneasy.
I seem to be tightrope as if I was blindfolded.
But, I stepped on the guitar string.

The tuning shifts and it isn't a pop song.
My feet become unstable.
But I noticed that it was not a completed work.
I've always been a beginners rack.

Now,I’m singing to you.
And I'll lose my voice.
I scream and feel like a bloody taste.
What is art? And,what is music?
Why am I sing a song?

I don't know the answer.(答えはわからん)
And time goes on.(そして時は進む) 
“what's up?”(「最近どうよ」)
I heard another voice of myself in my head.

So,I live in this world and make a new songs.
I can't believe in myself until I die.
But I sing a song for you.
There's no lie in my words.

I can not change the world but dreams come true.
I’ll be happy if you listen to my song.

The broken world can not be fixed.
Right now, a new era begins here.

I’v a talent for art, especially music.
I thought I could make a great song and everyone would appreciate it.
Such an idea is half correct, half wrong.
There're many geniuses.
I believe my sense and go step by step until I can not sing.

"Close the world!"(世界を閉ざせ!)
"Live alone!"(一人で生きろ!)
"I don't believe anyone!"(誰も信じない!)
He screams in my head every day.(いつも頭の中で彼が叫ぶ)

My voice didn't reach him. But my song was heard by people all over the world.
I knew that he was myself and it is still here.
I can make a song with him.

Time goes on without changing today.(今日も変わらず時が進む)
The story of finding the end lasts forever.(終わりを探す物語は永遠に続く。)

Sorry babe,are you bored? Next time let's talk about your past and future.
I'm always here.You can always come. At that time, give me Coconut Sable.

The fun and pains that happen to us every day will never end.

But I think that's not bad either.Everyday is Fantastic Rhapsody.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

Fantastic Rhapsody




投稿日:2019/04/05 23:43:22


