I feel I'm alive, in the world
I can feel my heartbeat, breath and your gentle touch

I think I was searching myself through heavy rain
Now, I realize who I am and find you under sunshine

It's not raining anymore
I can't see you, but I know you are smiling
Your smile floats gently like a soothing breeze
The world turns along the rainbow filled sky

Not only do my feelings grow, but our passing memories
Everything came from my heart, so that's why I'll cherish it

The sudden meeting could mean a Twist of fate
I began to weap, without knowing the reason why

When the pain returns, I close eyes
To see you, to meet you
I'll shout out your name again and again
Like the ebb and flow of waves in the sea

I'll prove that my feeling isn't a mistake...
I'm sure that we can understand each other

It stops raining and the sun begins to shine
I can't see you through the tears
but I'm not sad, can you see?
I realize who I am and find you under sunshine

When the pain returns, I close eyes
To see you, to meet you
I'll shout out your name forever
Like the ebb and flow of waves in the sea


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

僕達のセカイ Image-oriented version

I tried to translate Japanese lyrics to English.I got permission from SOSOSO-P. Though, there may be many grammar mistakes, awkward expressions, and other mistakes. If you think anything wrong, please let me know via comment/message.

June 11,2013
I changed the title. I added "Jejune Komuro English version".
And opened another version, "Image-oriented version".


Original lyrics http://piapro.jp/t/d4W7
歌詞はこちら。 http://piapro.jp/t/d4W7


投稿日:2013/06/11 20:53:38



