The rain drops all over, flowing through the town
Without an umbrella, just waiting for sun to come out
Under the roof that we gladly met again
I just stood there staring at the gloomy sky.

The time passes without single hints to stop.
I just listen to the dropping noize all over the place.
You just stand there searching for a word to say;
A word that won't be so hurtful to be heard.

Crying my feelings till it dries
Crying my feelings till I sleep
But it seems the drops won't be enough to
wash it gone.
If you drop the tears of loneliness,
Drop the tears of some pitfulness.
How am I suppose to have faith in those drops?

Setting up these meaningless words to my heart
Wouldn't change my feelings, not even a little of bit.
Just for now, won't you just tell me what is up?
Whether bad or good, I just want honesty.

Embracing you until it's gone
Embracing you until you're bored
But it seems my love won't be enough to
Hold you down.
'We are one in whole' is such a dream,
why would I trust in such a thing?
I don't seem that I can be real just like you.


'Who's fault is it' won't solve a thing.
'Should we not have met' don't think a thing.
All these question keep and filling up me
just like rain.
But I know, whether I solve this Q
whether I reach to my answer.
Not a thing would change the future for us two.

Crying my feelings till it dries
Crying my feelings till I sleep
Soon enough the cold rain fades and leaves us;
just us two.
You smile instead for a 'Good bye'
Really doesn't belong to me.
I could feel a small rain drop into my heart.

Just for this time, just for this last time,
I wanted to feel your fresh warmth
Reaching out for you, I wished for a last chance.

But it seems the hope was washed away till gone.


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい

雨音ノイズ 英語


投稿日:2015/01/08 15:11:47




