When off the bench Duncan Manu Yuanzai: look further new season
Spurs in the summer and did not carry a very large operation, Duncan seems, because their strength is still strong, "We came very close to the finals." Duncan said, "and now we hope to further."
In the past two seasons, the Spurs in the regular season have made a very good record, but they ultimately missed the championship. The case for the new season, the Spurs All-Star guard Tony - Parker, more bluntly, although the strength of the team is strong enough, but they can not be satisfied with the status quo.
"A lot of people have seen, the Spurs are a very good team, we need to play some of the more desire to win." Parker said, "We can not say, 'Oh, we've won many a championship and we next season to make <a href="http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/"><strong>Dez Bryant jersey </strong></a> a comeback. 'We need to play some of the more attitude. "
Last season the Spurs play fast, once made 20 consecutive wins in the playoffs to face the Thunder, they also had a total score of 2 to 0 lead, but did not expect to <a href="http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/"><strong>dallas cowboys jerseys </strong></a> encounter since the collapse, missed the championship attack.
And this summer, the teams are in the big recruiting, especially the Lakers, they got Dwight - Howard and Steve Nash, which Spurs coach Gregg Popovich prospect of competition in the western vision, "A lot of teams have reinforcement, but Thunder and the Lakers are still the most competitive opponents. "
The case for the new season, Popovich said they hope to place more effort defensively. "If we can become a good defensive team, then I would be pleased with us this season."
While in the new season, there is an issue of concern is that Ginobili in the end will return to the starting lineup, or continue to play a sixth man role. Recently Yaodao said in an interview that the two roles he gladly accepted, but some analysts believe that Popovich unlikely to last season's <a href="http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/"><strong>alfred morris jersey </strong></a> lineup for major changes, so Ginobili likely still to substitute identity play.
"And did not have much choice, right?" Ginobili said, "I will not be forced to do what the coach choose." Ginobili is already a 35-year-old veteran, he was a total of only in the preseason played 67 <a href="http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/"><strong>robert griffin iii jersey </strong></a> minutes, 30 shots and hit 14 balls, including 10 shots 4 three-pointers, in the preseason Yaodao averaged 9.3 points. In the new season, is expected to be the veteran averaged 25-30 minutes of play time.
For Ginobili, whether starting or off the bench, he is no longer strange, from the 2006-07 season to the 2009-10 season, he was a total of 66 starts, 127 non-starter, and won once in this period Union Sixth Man award. In the 2011-12 season before the injury, Ginobili is played first-mover status, unfortunately since he suffered a serious injury and long sidelined.
Ginobili injured during Danny - Green became the team's starting two position, outstanding performance during the Spurs. From the current situation, "San Antonio News" reporter Mike - Monroe analysis, there is no reason to change the Spurs last season, has produced a very good set of chemical reactions lineup. And Ginobili also willing to accept a bench role, and in this position behaved quite efficiently.
"I will sit on the bench is expected, but who knows how long it will last?" Ginobili said, "circumstances are different every season, but I do not think the new season will be much change occurs We done a good job at the end of last season, made a 20-game winning streak (including playoffs 10 consecutive victories). Unfortunately, we lost the last four games, this thing just happened. "
Spurs Ginobili also praised the bench, "I think we have found a <a href="http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/"><strong> Jason Witten jersey </strong></a> very good substitute combinations, Stephen - Jackson, Split, Neal, Bonner and me, we have this second team in last season success, so really do not need drastic change. "<a href="http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/"><strong>http://www.cheappersonalizednfljerseys.org/</strong></a>.


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