Where your thoughts met reality
Here, when you feel overwhelmed by the world
An escape from all the things of outside
Here in a digital world

I feel in calm and peace
I feel alive again
No more tears, just relax
Come here

Calm your mood with a volleyball game
Paradise like this ain't in no place
Underground, yes, invisible
Calm Paradise Underground

Read a book, two, or three more, right now
Mojitos and wine with some fruits, try it now
An elegant resort hotel for your health
Here in a digital world

I don't wanna cry
I feel happy again
No regrets, just fascinate
Come here

Calm your mood with a volleyball game
Paradise like this ain't in no place
Underground, yes, invisible
Calm Paradise Underground

Calm your mood with a volleyball game
Paradise like this ain't in no place
Underground, yes, invisible
Calm Paradise Underground

Calm your mood with a volleyball game
Paradise like this ain't in no place
Underground, yes, invisible
Calm Paradise Underground

CPU, yes, resort hotel
Calm Paradise Underground...


  • 非営利目的に限ります
  • この作品を改変しないで下さい
  • 作者の氏名を表示して下さい

静パラダイスアンダーグラウンド / トカトカ (Feat. アイノエルフ、初音ミク)


投稿日:2022/05/11 11:27:13



