Bryant exposed side Mami Fei Xia sexy nurse wearing protective boots after the first Bryant wife care April 24, "Los Angeles Times" news, Tuesday Bryant tweets above revealed that he has already put on the protective boots, and Bryant himself said that after the Colin Kaepernick Jersey removal of those dressings, feet almost no pain . Bryant able to recover so well, thanks to the attentive care of Vanessa, before Vanessa Bryant affectionately known as "sexy nurse" - Bryant: wear protective boots up Kobe local time on Roddy White Jersey April 13 underwent surgery to repair his torn left Achilles tendon, and now 10 days later, Bryant's recovery situation of it? Tuesday at Bryant announced on Twitter that he has now cleared the fixed foot surgery dressings. "Now there is no trace of my feet swollen, almost no pain, but after a few months from now, I Rob Gronkowski Jersey need to begin rehabilitation." Bryant wrote above on Twitter. Bryant is currently displayed in a photograph in which a foot injury, Bryant will now foot the case with the previous case of the foot were compared before, Bryant's feet wrapped with a layer of gauze, which may be cast or other fixed foot Some dressings. The right part of the photo is now the foot of Bryant situation, he wore protective boots, looks to restore the situation should be good. In addition, although difficult to follow the Lakers Kobe Bryant went away, but Bryant on Twitter that he plans to go to the site to watch Matthew Stafford Jersey the Spurs and Lakers third and fourth games of the match, but he should now look like this it is difficult to appear on bench on. Recovering well According to the Los Angeles Lakers Kobe Bryant official described before the injury, Kobe Bryant of the Lakers 118-116 win over the Warriors in the game, fourth left Achilles tendon injury, according to MRI results confirmed after his Achilles tendon rupture. In determining injury, Bryant had Achilles tendon repair Russell Wilson Jersey surgery immediately, in the joint efforts of several medical experts, the successful completion of his surgery, recovery time in about 6-9 months. Achilles tendon rupture refers tissue rupture. According to relevant information, in the Achilles tendon surgery done after 10 weeks of gypsum period and at least eight months can not be strenuous exercise, under normal circumstances need about a year's time to be able to fully recover, the recovery process which the patient can take the crutches and other auxiliary tools, under the guidance of a doctor gradual recovery of the Achilles tendon athletic ability. Thanks to the sexy Vanessa Transvaal care Bryant able to recover so quickly this time, and his wife Vanessa no small contribution, which in the past period of time, often on Twitter at Bryant publish some photos, and praised his wife attentive care. The last time Bryant announced a bath on instagram photos before. Bryant is still next with text: "sexy nurse is for me to do preparatory work before taking a bath. Bath time can not be injured feet wet," Bryant said, "the nurse should wash my ass." Bryant issued from that picture you can see, Bryant had surgery on the location and the parts of the calf are above a layer of plastic to protect live, Bryant's legs has an exuberant fine hand, this hand thumb painted with pink nail polish, which you can see from the photo, Bryant said the "sexy nurse" dressed in black. And this man was Bryant's wife Vanessa. Before Bryant also personally announced in the network above his leg after surgery photos. Bryant was also revealed in the network above Vanessa taking care of yourself, "in the next 2 weeks which will concern the development of injury and I now sit five minutes will find some difficulty." Bryant said, "W Vanessa is taking care of her lover. " Able to recover so well, "sexy nurse" Vanessa has played a significant role.


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