
There is new prosperity at last simply because there was failure.
New possibility is born simply because there was failure,
of course.

Since the bright sunlight began to reach to surface of the earth,
the stable world with no oxygen failed.
Green algas gave bubbles of oxygen to
the surface of the sea and to all air.
The creature which couldn't accept oxygen
absorbed the creature which can use oxygen,
and survived and prospered since then to nowadays.
So we must survive. From failure to prosperity.

Jungle trees became decreased gradually to grassy plain,
and the stable world of the jungle failed.
As for the monkeys which went down from trees,
everybody went out to the grassy plain.
They started to stand, and to walk with changing forefoot into hand;
and they began using tools and fire and words,
and supported heavy brain and developed themselves.
From failure to prosperity.

There is new prosperity at last simply because there was failure.
New possibility is born simply because there was failure,
of course.

Because black ships from America came suddenly,
the stable world of the samurai failed at last.
The low-class of samurai and merchants
change the organization of the Japan,
and overcame opposition and adopted
the new structure of politic and economy.
The new nation prospered with glory wonderfully.
From failure to prosperity.

The world of life job security failed
because of globalization and technical revolution.
Will family and the community fall apart to pieces
and all disappear?
Let's perform flexible and a variety of improvements of
device of work and life with hope,
and keep thinking and advancing continuously.
From failure to prosperity.

There is new prosperity at last simply because there was failure.
New possibility is born simply because there was failure,
of course.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】From failure to prosperity

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】From failure to prosperity【Original song】


投稿日:2013/11/15 20:58:55



