The Ottawa Senators look to wrap up their <a href=""><strong>Authentic LeBron James jersey</strong></a> series tonight with the Pittsburgh Penguins at Scotiabank Place.The Pens would love to be able to send it back to Pittsburgh for Game 6 and if they can give the same effort that they did in the first two periods in Game 4 but this time for a full sixty minute effort then they will give Ottawa all they can handle. Ottawa on the other hand wants to end this series tonight and look for the Senators to come out much like they did in Game 1. If they can get a quick lead and get the home crowd even more involved then it will put even more pressure on the Pens.What does Ottawa have to do better in Game 5 than they did in Game 4? Well it is simple, dictate and initiate the way they did in the first three games and build off the momentum of their 3rd period effort in Game 4. The Sens forwards need to continue to work over the Pens defense and wear them down. Of course a few players need to better and another great effort from Ray Emery would go a long way in determining the Senators success in Game 5. Feed off the home <a href=""><strong>Autographed Jonathan Toews jersey</strong></a> crowd for energy is a no-brainer for the Senators. They <a href=""><strong>Duncan Keith Jersey</strong></a> should be jacked up for this one!Chris Neil saw the second least amount of ice time in Game 4, only 8:15, just Oleg Saprykin had less ice time. Neil needs <a href=""><strong>Marc Andre Fleury jersey</strong></a> to be alot better. Dany Heatley has been very quiet this series outside of his goal in Game 1. Heatley needs to fight through the limited space he is seeing and create scoring chances for his linemates. It goes without saying that the pairing of Wade Redden and Andrei Meszaros need to be much better.So far in this series, Ottawa has got production from their third and fourth lines along with their defense. Three goals by <a href=""><strong>Patrick Kane jersey</strong></a> their defensemen and four goals from their secondary lines has been a big reason for the Sens success. Of course, the Sens top two lines have contributed in a big way scoring eight goals thus far.At Sens practice on Wednesday only Heatley and Daniel Alfredsson did not participate, of course Patrick Eaves is still out with a head injury.Optional skate in the morning for Ottawa.Lets finish the series tonight boys!


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Marc Andre Fleury jersey

Marc Andre Fleury jersey Sens look to wrap up series with Pens tonight


投稿日:2014/05/14 18:17:45



