Raging wind

Raging wind Everything supports it. (吹きすさぶ風。全てを味方にする)

There is no enemy when facing it. (向かうところ敵はなし)

The back doesn't turn around. (後ろは振り向かない)

To the promised place for which you wait (君の待つ約束の地へ)

I want to keep your smile. (貴方の笑顔を守りたい)

For nothing but one promise(唯ひとつの約束のために)

At the expense of this body(この体を犠牲にしても)

At the expense of this mind(この心を犠牲にしても)

Feelings that do not end(終わること無いこの思い)

* Wind that blows hard.Everything is swallowed.(吹き荒れる風。全てを飲み込む)

As long as it believes(信じている限り)

Nothing is lost. (何も失いはしない)

Grip and take the glory. (栄光を掴み取れ)

It knocks against the wall not seen. However,(見えない壁にぶつかっても)

To the origin of nothing but one belief(唯ひとつの信念の元に)

Power to get(乗り越えていく力を)

Intensely of destruction(ぶち壊す激しさを)

This spirit where it rises and it goes(高まりゆくこの精神)

Wind that pushes back.Everything is untied.(背中押す風。全てを解き放つ)

A sad fate also(悲しき運命も)

It leads to light. (光へと導いていく)

Everything harmonizes. (全てが調和する)

The wind that flows to the earth of light It teaches to you,that gentle and a harsh reality.
(光の大地に流れる風は 優しく厳しい現実を教える)

The door opened. To the promised place for which you wait
(扉は開いた 君の待つ約束の地へ)

* Wind that blows hard.Everything is swallowed.(吹き荒れる風。全てを飲み込む)

As long as it believes(信じている限り)

Nothing is lost. (何も失いはしない)

Grip and take the glory. (栄光を掴み取れ)

The eternity is gripped to this hand(永遠をこの手に)


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Raging wind



( )は英文の意味になります。特にきにしなくてOKですw


投稿日:2009/01/04 00:35:25



