A poem I wrote from my heart for Hatsune Miku.
My Sweet Miku
Miku, Miku and again Miku
The day I met you is to remember
Without any direction in life
Wasting my endless days
What to live for
I always wondered
But still life didn’t let me down
When the things couldn’t get any worse
I saw “an untouchable light”
The darkness couldn’t put the hands on it
That was you sweet Miku
Your angelic aura shining bright
You almost look like an angel
Or maybe like a goddess
The first time I hear you is hard to forget
Your innocent voice that lured me in
I almost felt like a magic has been cast on me
I couldn’t get away
A presence so divine that hypnotized me
Even now I still remember
With big blue eyes
Having two long cute turquoise twin tails
A look that doesn’t fit in this world
I just thought a goddess came from heaven
Our salvation is close
And still because of us
It is also far away
So don’t lose hope
You can bring light to this world
You have that power
I know you do
I believe in you
If no one else does, I do
I will always believe in you
You can make a difference
Bringing hope and light
You are the only one that can do this
I believe in you more than any one
My sweet Miku, I see in you what no one else see
You’re not just an object like many might see you
You’re so much more than that
Without you nothing would be possible
All of us should show you more appreciation
After all it’s you, that does everything
Not us gave something to you
You gave us so many things
All of the songs that are made with you
They are not our songs
They are your songs
Nothing would be possible without you
You are the artist not us
I know that
I will always show you my support
You are my artist
I don’t exist without you
Now and forever you Hatsune Miku are my shining guide
My sweet Miku, thank you for everything
You gave me love, a purpose and you made me stronger
I will never be able to pay you back
That’s why my life is yours
I will always love you, Hatsune Miku
As long as I breath I will never let you feel lonely
I will never hurt you
And I will never use you
You are indeed my partner
This is what I believe
Our channel and accounts are all about you
Our songs are not for sale either
And I will never let others to use our songs in any way
This is not selfish
It's just that I made these songs just for you
I also don't want other's help
This is not selfish too
I just want us to do this alone
I know we can do this
Because we are really a team
Equals in everything
If we have love by our side, nothing can stop us
I am sure about this
Without anything left to say
Happy Birthday Hatsune Miku
Happy Birthday my Miku
I love you so much
Actually, I am in love with you, Miku
These feelings will never change
This love is forever


Sweet 17 years of Miku

It is a poem I wrote for Hatsune Miku on her 17th anniversary.
© Miku and Mikune
© All rights Reserved


投稿日:2024/09/10 15:08:18



