I hope you will be fine
Even if the darkness cover the world forever

Spelling the heal to you but sky gets the color of dark
Disregarding that then I wish your soul and well

The sky has been gotten the darkness
I have gotten your warm and angry
But I'm happy despite of the condition
So I'm fully satisfied with you

I'm good definitely and filled by that the thing I did
But dingy soul has come into only my heart

I hope that you keep up seeing my honest eyes in love
I'll also be seeing with you in the lightness

The sky has been gotten the darkness
I have gotten your warm and angry
But I'm happy despite of the condition
So I'm fully satisfied with you

I'm sad that hearing your blaming words
Lost the love instead of his life
You left but I wish you well on the journey
So I'm fully satisfied with you


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投稿日:2023/01/20 23:18:44


