
1. I want to have a child, and that's all as for me,
and nothing more than that.
Is it prohibited to bore baby while working?
It's too much for me.
Is the pregnancy a selfish thing?
Is it a mere hobby to have a child?
Must I not leave office earlier than work end time
for the child who returns home?
There are more families of the working together now.
It is different from that of old days.
However, while opposing that not to change the thought,
not to do want to change thought, the children decrease steadily,
and the area, and country will decline.
This is destroying the country in fact.
How terrible and horrific it is!!

2. I want to bring up a child, and that's all
as for me. Nothing more than that.
Will deed to give birth while working be
what I should avoid? Is it really?
Is the delivery selfish?
Is child care nothing more than a hobby?
Why are nursery school, kindergartens,
and the schoolchild care service so insufficient?
It's so cruel.
Many families run out of household income.
It is different from that of old days.
Child care has become impossible without
work of both person of couples.
Let's change this country to the child care society
to increase children in this society.
Vitality will be given to the society.
This is the real patriotism.


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【Hatsune Miku V3 English】This is the real patriotism

【Hatsune Miku V3 English】This is the real patriotism【Original song】


投稿日:2014/01/05 17:31:33



